Saturday, March 24, 2012

The work on Puppet-master's Marionette (Volume Two) continues. I wish I could say that I'm close to the end, but that would not be entirely true. However, I am getting there. Contrary to what some people might think, a part of me is glad the second book is taking this long, because over the years my view on writing and my skills have had a chance to develop further. Also, due to my broader interests, my very way of reasoning and thinking has evolved, too. All this has had a profound impact on that part of me that is 'the writer'. As the result, there is much more originality than before, and a deeper well from which to draw inspiration. When writing, try to break free of what you read in other books. Try to break free from the bonds of conventional imagination. Think outside the lines... Sometimes the conventional imagination forces itself on us without us even knowing and while writing we tend to follow familiar patterns set by others. The key is to become aware of this and then strive to go further than that which is conventional. Use the conventional imagination as a solid foundation to build something better, something more - something that you can call your own.

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