Monday, March 10, 2014

Here is a new illustration that is set to appear in the second volume. The image shows three paladin inquisitors performing a rite as old as the stone bones of that subterranean temple. Be warned, the depicted ritual has nothing to do with sacrificing. All rights reserved.
(Drawn by Vuyacha)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

At this link you can download one of my short stories, entitled The Acorn King. Just something to keep you going until the second book, Puppet-master's Marionette volume II, is finished. Cheers!

All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A new illustration for the second book is in the making. It's about a distant world called Eximentan (mentioned briefly in the first book). The basic sketch has been chosen and now the real work can begin. Also, on a different note, I've nearly finished another short story unrelated to the Puppet-master's Marionette saga. It's called 'The Acorn King' and I will be happy to post it here in a few days, along with one more short story 'Esouh-dam' that I promised to post long ago, but failed to live up to that. So, expect both stories on Facebook. 'The Acorn King' will probably appeal to the fans of Puppet-master's Marionette more than 'Esouh-dam'.